Discipleship Ministry

“Discipleship” is the process of making disciples of Jesus Christ. It involves the care and teaching of new believers, helping them grow to full maturity in Jesus Christ and find their place of service in God’s family. 

Cost of Discipleship (COD)

This class is designed to help you discern if you are willing and ready to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

Discipleship 1

This introductory level is taught one-on-one by a personal tutor/mentor relationship with someone who is a little further along in their walk with the Lord. The mentor and disciple will usually sit down together over a cup of coffee, share life together and work through a Bible-centered lesson. There are 18 short, yet thorough, lessons covering the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith.


Discipleship 2

This intermediate level is taught in a classroom of students that have successfully completed Persona Discipleship 1.  It is a two-year curriculum offering 6 classes:

  • The Character Qualities of Leadership
  • The Philosophy of Discipleship
  • The Process of Spiritual Maturity
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Understanding Your Walk with God

The purpose of D2 is to provide key tools and training to equip the disciple to effectively minister the word of God.

Leadership Tools & Training

Leadership Tools & Training (LTT) is available after you have completed D2.  CBC has a partnership with Living Faith Bible Institute to train church leaders, pastors and missionaries. Successful completion of LFBI would qualify the disciple for biblical ordination and vocational church leadership.

For more information about LTT or to sign up, please contact the church office.